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A Straight Line (2024)


Burned bamboo, metal, C-clamps, laser level


A charred 7-node bamboo tree and metal clamps are used to drive a metal core wire straight.

In Vietnamese culture, bamboo represents the style of a gentleman, symbolizing a pure and noble atmosphere. Therefore, Vietnamese people often plant bamboo trees in front of their houses as a screen to filter away the dust of life. Bamboo also plays an important role in Vietnamese history and literature. The work can explore a variety of themes, including the contrast between man and nature, resistance to male stereotypes or the pressures of gender norms, acceptance of imperfection, and maybe Bamboo Diplomacy’s détente policy (bending with the wind).

  • Duong Van Sau. 2022. Chapter 6: Images of plants and trees in the cultural and spiritual lives of Vietnamese people. Decoding Vietnamese culture. Ha Noi Capital: Social Literature Publisher. p. 312–313. 

  • Phūnkham , Čhittipha. 2020. Genealogy of Bamboo Diplomacy. : The Politics of Thai Détente with Russia and China. Canberra ANU Press

  • Wikipedia. 2024. Bamboo

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