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The CNNS Project

By Nguyen Khoi, Chin, Nguyen Thanh Tung

This project has 3 videos: Vo Sinh (Sterile), Te Bao (Cells), Ap (Hatch)

Exhibited at International Mad Visions Film Festival, Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine Arts, Vietnam Young Artist Festival 2022 and My mama told me I’m experimental.

CNNS is going to be published soon. 

NHAN SINH (or CNNS) is a video installation art project.
Khoi has been working on this project for four years now, which is still not finish yet.


CNNS is about the connection between technologies and human reproduction in the future. 

Furthermore, he wants viewers to compare and discuss the humanity of technology, 

the boundaries between technology and nature.

The “Sterile” video includes a male and a female as parents, and the egg is a symbol for children. The male chews plastic bags and gives those to the female, and the female wraps the egg with those plastic bags. Sterile is a question about human reproduction and the connection between technologies and human reproduction in the future. Encouraging viewers to compare and discuss the humanity of technology, and the boundaries between technology and nature. In this case, plastic bags are used as a medium to compare to human reproduction technology. Plastic bags were invented as a solution to protect the environment, but now they are environmental problems because human is abusing plastic bags. On the other hand, plastic bags are also important in human lives. Reproduction technologies are important to human contemporary lives, but would humans abuse these technologies like plastic bags? Would we, humans, give birth anymore? Or the technologies would give birth to us? Furthermore, the video is installed low on the floor so that the viewers can sit down and join the conversation with the characters in the video. The artists use a snug frame and squeezed the characters into a small space. The male chews seven to eight times, the number also shows the antiquity of Vietnamese, which is thoughts that males are more important than women.

The “Cells” is a loop black and white video with surreal images.
The “Cells” video is the artists’ thoughts about what would happen when humans actually can asexually reproduce. The connection and the boundaries. Could reproduction technologies help us asexually reproduce? Would humans care about their children anymore when giving birth is easy?

Furthermore, the artists film their bodies or cells and used editing software or technologies to deform their bodies or cells to give moving images. 
This video is in black and white so that the viewers can concentrate on the details of their imaginary bodies. In addition, this video does not have sound to show this event would come in silent without anyone’s notice.

© 2022 by NgKhoi. Proudly created with Chinbo Collective

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