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By Nguyen Khoi, Chin

Lipstick, wood, Do paper, monitor
50 x 50 x 150 cm
Exhibited at Experimental Art Week 202

Vermillion consists of two diagram drawings, a video, and a sculptural block in the shape of a baby feeding spoon, and is connected by a bright red lipstick mark. The work is a personal inquiry, a question about the ethics of information transmission in general, the truth and falsity of information transmission in particular. The boundary between the morality of lying and truth can be misunderstood. What do we rely on to determine if it is a moral decision? The artist duo has translated data conveyed to the public from news reports, imagery, and statistics into symbols, drawings, and motion graphics. The charts are drawn using lipstick, which is a cosmetic that enhances lips and conceals imperfections. The lipstick color covers numbers, motions, and images. The moving numbers in the video replace each other in different forms. The wooden feeding spoon is hand-carved and imperfect, with a portion of the head of the spoon missing.

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